15-Day Total Body Cleanse

  • 15-Day Total Body Cleanse
  • 15-Day Total Body Cleanse
A comprehensive, holistic approach to assisting the body in cleansing toxins, old food stuff, parasites, and microorganisms from the body. This natural and effective body detoxifying system assists the body in cleansing the bowel, blood, lymph, kidney, liver while eliminating parasitic microorganisms from the body. Cleansing these eliminatory organs is vital to the circulatory system and overall general good health. The liver is the main cleansing organ in the body, up-taking many of the toxins and pollutants we consume. A clean liver is vital to proper immune function. Cleansing the bowel is critical and it is important to eliminate these toxins from the body and into the toilet as the blood, liver, kidney and lymph work to improve overall good health and clen organ function.